Monday, 3 March 2014

Wales '14

Me and my other half went away to Wales for a few days last week. We were lucky enough to have good weather and were able to go out and photograph a new place everyday. Being able to escape from everything and get away was such a relief for the two of us, we were able to relax for once. New Quay West Wales has so much to explore. From the Devils Bridge, to the New Quay Harbor wall. You could even take a half hour drive to Cardigon to visit the sweet shop Yum Yum, which we did visit and yes it took me hours to decide what sweets I wanted from there. Who could blame me with sweets from floor to ceiling. 

 Although we were supposed to be relaxing the two of us didn't go leave the house without a camera or a beach towel. I personally love being near water, it's so peaceful. Smelling the fresh sea water, hearing the seagulls every morning when you wake up and watching the waves crash against the rocks and harbor wall, nothing could beat anything like this. Of course while we were away we had chips and fishcake, as well as an ice cream each. The weather may have been nice and sunny but taking a cheeky dip into the sea in February wasn't the best idea either of us have had.

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