Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Figure Drawing

I'm always needing or wanting to know the meanings to key words while figure drawing or drawing in general. So here's my little list of key words and meanings;
Figure - A figure is a positive or dominate shape in a drawing or painting. The shape is distinct from the background of the picture; comes forward in the composition. 
Negative Space - Negative space in a painting or drawing refers to the area encircling or located behind a positive space. 
Proportion - Proportion refers to the correction depiction of all the parts related to each other in shape/form within a realistic painting or drawing. Proportion lends a sense of balance and harmony to a piece of art work one may to decide to distort the proportions within an art work to create a certain effect on the viewer.
Mark (Drawing) - A mark in a drawing refers to an impression on the picture plane, it is often made to create the illusion of something such as an objects surface texture.

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