So I've been doing some research on Nikki Sixx, I've realised the man isn't afraid to say that he is happy to struggle. Happy to of not reached all his goals yet and happy to fail somedays so he can pick himself up again. Nikki can admit that there is so much about photography that he doesn't know but he keeps pushing and pushing wondering if there are any limits or just if you find a place and call it your own? As Nikki tours with his bands and travels the world alot he takes pictures of people doing their everyday routine, something they do may inspire him to take that picture at that moment in time. Not all pictures he takes mean something to people but he just wants to show what someone else could be doing at that moment in time, in their life.
Creativity! 'Creativity is not linear, just like the earth is not flat... If you keep going long enough you will always get back to where you started from. That is when you have lived a full life. That is the artist's path.' I think what Nikki is trying to say is that if you work at something long enough then you will always be able to pick up from where you left from and once you can start to do that, then you are really living life to the full always keeping something going and not stopping. It is a way of life, the path of an artist.
If. If Nikki Sixx could be remembered as anything, it would be a great father. Why, i'm not completely sure myself yet, but he would be the father of a man showing many wonders, achieving many of his own personal goals and also achieving many challenges in life. Living it up. Soaking it up. Turning it up. 'The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.'
I recently found out what Nikki's favorite quote was, 'if you wanna live life on your own terms, you gotta be willing to crash and burn.' This its self is true when you place it into your own life situation and really does make you stop and think. Trying not to go off task like i have, i found out that Nikki says 'that the biggest lesson to teach people is not what kind of camera it is as much as that you just that you always have something in you hand to capture that moment in front of you. I have used everything from wet plate cameras to cheap point an shoots. Make no mistakes a old Leica m3 will blow your mind but so can an iPhone in the right light.'
"An education in rebellion" |
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